About Us

Meet Lala, my mom, the crafter

I would say I come from a very crafty family. I remember my
grandmother always creating something with anything we had around, flowers with feathers, sewing, beautiful art with seashells, etc. But as the rule says, next
generation does nothing like it, unless there is a powerful reason to do it, after all, it is in the blood.

 So, this is the case of Lala, my mom.  She was never a crafter, but an awesome cook, the favorite aunt, the naughty sister, and fortunately for me a spoiling mom.

Once she retired, and as I have always had a sensitive skin, Lala started making body creams and lotions to sooth my skin, but it wasn’t until she started to make soaps, that I felt a complete relief and notorious difference. 

 Little by little, family and friends started ordering them, so she had to increase the production. Today this is her full-time hobby, and everybody
seems to love it.

 I created this site to honor her enthusiasm, and to give you all, a wonderful natural product that would make your skin feel loved the way Lala does.

Very happy to have you here visiting us. Faby.